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  • Submit report - Description

    Describe the occurrence concisely with as much information as possible.

To maintain anonymity and safeguard your identity do not include personal information, use only the identification of targeted persons whenever this is strictly necessary to describe the occurrence you intend to report.
For a more detailed report you can send files in different formats (mp3, mp4, pdf, jpeg, jpg) with a maximum size of up to 50MB.
Metadata that may compromise anonymity, such as author and gps, is deleted. Make sure that submitted files do not have other hidden metadata, such as tags and comments that could compromise anonymity. Other metadata and/or digital signatures that do not compromise anonymity are preserved to maintain the integrity and correct functioning of the files. The report manager may have access to metadata that does not compromise anonymity for confidential treatment.
These fields are not mandatory, fill in only if you want to make the report without preserving anonymity.
These fields are not mandatory, fill in only if you want to make the report without preserving anonymity.
The email address will not be shared with the person handling the complaint and will only serve to notify you of new messages, if any.


We value your security

This platform uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption, which reinforces the communication between the server and the complainant in a safe and encrypted way, protecting the submitted information.